Saturday, March 29, 2008

Epic drawing

This drawing is called lucidiination; or mor literally ( lucid- hallucination). A term I use to describe a state of dream-like creation. In this piece I basically created off the cuf; anything that came to mind at the time. I was inspired by various ritualistic cultures around the world. the environment and the art movementof surrealism.



Anonymous said...

Check out Peter Gabriel's Web site Real World:

I first saw your work on FASO about a year ago. Miss the color work you had up there e.g. Kiss, etc... Great stuff, as is the BW stuff.

Good community at Real World, very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Addo, I should have put a question mark next to Kiss because that may not have been the title; I'm sorry I can't remember. But it was a brilliantly colored image of a woman in profile. Love your work.